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Legal document

process server

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We deliver the legal documents such as summon, divorce paper, legal notices Etc. and other court documents to a defendant or individual

Safe Hiring provide document process server globally with cost effective pricing. We have worldwide capability to served your documents real time with our representatives that cove 200 plus locations. We can help you to provide Process Server anywhere in the world with all types of process and documents including swear statement, affidavit confirming service.


Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Hire yourself and start calling or Email.


We would greatly appreciate your watching for any possible way to endorse this, and the details are below:

Contents a summons must:
  1. Name the court and the parties;
  2. Be directed to the defendant;
  3. State the name and address of the plaintiff’s attorney or–if unrepresented–of the plaintiff;
  4. State the time within which the defendant must appear and defend;
  5. Notify the defendant that a failure to appear and defend will result in a default judgment against the defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint;


The paper that tells a defendant that he or she is being sued and asserts the power of the court to hear and determine the case. A form of legal process that commands the defendant to appear before the court on a specific day and to answer the complaint made by the plaintiff.

The paper that tells a defendant that (He or she) is being litigates and asserts the power of the court to hear and determine the case. 
A form of legal procedure that commands the defendant to appear before the court on a specific day and to answer the complaint made by the plaintiff.

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You can hire the Safe Hiring professional without any hesitation and saving the time and money therefore, click on the button of jurisdiction and explore where your subject necessitate.


The form used to apply to the Court for a divorce. It contains details of the parties, when they married and the ground and fact for divorce.

This is the most widely used way to serve papers. The Divorce Packet, which will contain the Summons and Complaint, Notice of Appearance, Interim Order and any Notices of Programs and any Hearings can be delivered by you to your spouse. You can actually hand the Divorce Packet to your spouse. If you serve your spouse in this way, you must get your spouse to sign and date a paper called an Acceptance of Service, (which is available at court), which you must then return to the court. By signing this Acceptance of Service, your spouse is not agreeing to any claims you have made in your Complaint, but is merely declaring that he or she has actually received a copy of the Summons, Complaint, and other paperwork.
Safe Hiring locate your mandatory subject and serve the divorce petitions paper by way of quickly 

Complete name of subject with Complete Address 


An order issued by a court that requires a person to do or refrain from doing something. Safe Hiring can serve your Court order anywhere in the Pakistan.  We have a network of vetted agents throughout the country ready to serve your legal proceedings or private divorce documents.

We work on a flat fee for major cities and flat fee plus mileage for outside of main center

Safe Hiring can:
  1. Use tracing to find them if they have left town or left the country. Safe Hiring can even draw a large network of allocation in other areas of the country in order to find someone in order to serve them with papers.
  2. Ensure that proper laws are followed
  3. Show solid evidence that the documents were served. If the person who is served claims that they did not receive legal documents, a qualified process serving professional will be able to show an affidavit of service or proof of service that can prove that the person has accepted the documents.


A statutory demand can be used to ask for payment of a debt from an individual or company. 


In England and Wales, the Family Proceedings Court (FPC) is the name given to the Magistrates’ Court when members of the family panel sit to hear a family case. It is a court of first instance in England and Wales that deals with family matters. Cases are either heard in front of a bench of lay magistrates or a District Judge (Magistrates’ Courts). 

A statutory demand can be used to ask for payment of a debt from an individual or company.


Do you need a process server? Hire the Best.

Document Process server

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Most frequent questions and answers

According to legal procedure in the United States, all parties must be notified when facing legal action against them in a court of law or an administrative court. The notification, which is called service of process, is accomplished through the delivery of a set or series of documents describing the legal action. Examples of documents that comprise service of process includes summonses, complaints, subpoenas, writs, and other court documents. These documents are delivered to the individual whom the legal action is directed. Service of Process must be served by an individual who is not a party to the case.

It is essential that the proper person is served. Your case cannot move forward until the proper parties have been served. The person who needs to be served will depend on who is being sued. 

  • When starting a lawsuit against an individual, serve the individual.
  • When starting a lawsuit against an unincorporated business, such as a sole proprietorship or general partnership, serve the owner or one of the partners.
  • When starting a lawsuit against a corporation or LLC, serve the Agent for Service of Process. All corporations and LLCs are required to register with the California Secretary of State, and designate a person to accept legal service on behalf of the business. 
  • When serving local government agencies, serve the clerk, secretary or other head of the agency. When serving a state agency, serve the Attorney General’s office.
  • Throughout the case, if the party retains an attorney, documents should be served on the attorney, rather than the party.

Parties cannot serve documents in their own case. Someone over 18 who is not a party to the action must serve all court documents. 
You have four options for having your papers served. There are pros and cons to each, so you will need to choose the most appropriate option for your situation. When personal service is required, many parties will elect to hire a professional to serve their papers, to ensure proper personal service.  Your options for having your documents served are:

  • The Sacramento Sheriff’s Civil Bureau
  • A registered process server
  • An attorney
  • An individual over the age of 18 who is not a party in your case

We are fully conversant with the process service requirements in all court jurisdictions of Australia. We process serve each document according to individual state and territory legislation and the respective Courts rules.

Many of the documents process served through Safehiring (Worldwide) in the below listed Courts and Tribunals, however we can process serve any document from any Court Jurisdiction, anywhere in Pakistan.

  • Family Courts
  • Federal Courts
  • Federal Magistrates Courts
  • Supreme Court of Victoria
  • Magistrates Court of Victoria
  • County Court of Victoria
  • High Courts

The Proof of Service is a document that lets the court know that a party was served with court documents. It is filled out by the server after the documents have been served. The proof of service is then filed with the court in most situations.

Many documents have their own Proof of Service form. If you are serving a form that has its own Proof of Service, you will need to use that Proof of Service form. Common documents with a specific Proof of Service form include:

Summons for most types of cases Civil Harassment, Domestic Violence, and Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
Many of the Probate, Family, Juvenile, and Small Claims forms that require personal service also have their own Proof of Service forms.
Although each Proof of Service is different, they all ask basically the same questions. The person performing service will have to indicate:

  • Their name and address
  • If they are a registered process server
  • The date and location they served the papers
  • The name of the person on whom the papers were served
  • What documents were served
  • The Proof of Service is signed under the penalty of perjury.

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