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reference check

Reference required for safe business, a good employee 



reference check is part of the hiring process where your candidate (or applicant) connects the hiring company with professional (and sometimes personal) references to gather more details about themselves: their work history, job responsibilities and performance


References are used by companies as a predictor of your potential success on the job. You should choose references who are familiar with your work history, educational background, communication skills and personality. Avoid citing family members.

Interviewing Skills

It is a good idea to be familiar with the types of questions asked during an interview. There are a number of good reference books available at your local bookstore and/or library, and on the internet.

Presentation Skills

You should be knowledgeable about the company and the position for which you are interviewing. Ask the company to send you information, visit libraries, or search the internet. Current employees of the company can also offer valuable insight.

General Skills

When searching for prospective employees, industry generally searches for people with:

Excellent interpersonal communication skills
A demonstrated ability to learn new skills
A demonstrated knowledge of computers
Strong work ethic
Ability to perform as a team player

Reference Checks are not a waste of time if they are:

  • Completed verbally;
  • Done thoroughly;
  • Conducted with the right person;
  • Specific to the key duties, outcomes and attitudes required in the role

Here are some easy to implement tips to help you get the most out of your reference checking:

  1. Make a form / standard list of questions that you wish to ask. That way, you can be sure you are getting consistent information about each applicant and from every reference check
  2. Ask questions that are important to you; punctuality, reliability, suitability for your role, ability to get along with others, willingness to work back etc.
  3. Don’t just confirm employment ask questions that are relevant to your role. This may include ability to follow instruction, ability to answer customer queries, efficiency, and ability to learn new tasks, or their aptitude with numbers.
  4. Complete at least two reference checks
  5. Make sure you are speaking to the applicants’ previous manager / supervisor. You can check this by making sure you call a company’s land line and check the managers’ title before they put you through.

Reference Check Questions



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