Reliable | Fast | 100 % Perfect Background Check Solutions with SAFEHIRING worldwide

Global Resources

International Public
record search

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO international employment Background Screeniners for business and Law firms, Etc.




Safe Hiring propose international public record searches and verification services with local researchers to obtain accurate practices information in different countries more than 200 locations. Safe Hiring  international background checks assist you to obtain significant employment background information. We provide easy, cost effective, fast international employment background history information and verification services according to your recruitment requirements. Safe Hiring  conduct international public record searches through authentic resources under countries laws and regulations.

Our International Employment background screening service is designed to provide for the international job seeker on the move. We aim to offer one of the fastest and simplest international services available. As each country has its own legal requirements we have attempted to capture all the information we require within the one form however, on some times we may require additional information. Wherever possible please enter any other information which you think might be helpful such as Passport # and National ID #

Detailing the various international verification services:

International Identity Verification

Our International Identity Verification service is designed to confirm the authenticity of candidates’ identities across the globe. We utilize a comprehensive approach, cross-referencing government-issued IDs, passports, and other critical documents with global databases. This service ensures that the identity information provided by your candidates is accurate and legitimate, helping to prevent identity fraud and ensuring that you are dealing with the right person.

Key Features:

  • Verification of government-issued IDs
  • Cross-checking with international databases
  • Prevention of identity fraud
  • Assurance of candidate authenticity

International Address Verification

Accurate address information is crucial for many aspects of employment and business transactions. Our International Address Verification service confirms the residential addresses provided by candidates or business partners worldwide. We verify the existence and accuracy of these addresses through a combination of database checks and direct communication with local authorities, ensuring that the information is correct and up-to-date.

Key Features:

  • Verification of residential addresses globally
  • Database checks and local authority confirmation
  • Prevention of address fraud
  • Assurance of accurate location information

International Criminal Record Searches

Our International Criminal Record Searches service provides a thorough examination of an individual’s criminal history across multiple countries. We access a vast network of international databases to identify any past criminal activities, including felonies and misdemeanors. This service is essential for employers who need to ensure the safety and integrity of their workforce by identifying potential risks associated with criminal backgrounds.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive criminal history checks
  • Access to multiple international databases
  • Identification of felonies and misdemeanors
  • Enhanced safety and integrity in hiring

International Civil Record Searches

Understanding a candidate’s or partner’s civil litigation history is crucial for assessing potential risks. Our International Civil Record Searches service reveals involvement in lawsuits, disputes, or other civil matters. By providing detailed information about past and ongoing civil cases, we help you make informed decisions regarding your candidates or business associates.

Key Features:

  • Detailed civil litigation history
  • Identification of lawsuits and disputes
  • Assessment of potential legal risks
  • Informed decision-making

International Criminal Felony & Misdemeanor Check

Our International Criminal Felony & Misdemeanor Check service delves into both serious and minor criminal offenses committed by individuals worldwide. This service provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s criminal record, helping employers and organizations understand the full extent of any potential criminal activities that could impact their operations.

Key Features:

  • Investigation of serious and minor offenses
  • Comprehensive criminal record overview
  • Access to international criminal databases
  • Informed risk assessment

International Employment Verification

Verifying past employment is a critical step in the hiring process. Our International Employment Verification service ensures the accuracy of the employment history provided by candidates. We contact former employers directly to confirm job titles, durations, responsibilities, and reasons for leaving. This service helps you verify the credibility of your candidates’ professional backgrounds and ensures that you are making hiring decisions based on accurate information.

Key Features:

  • Direct contact with former employers
  • Verification of job titles and responsibilities
  • Confirmation of employment durations
  • Assurance of accurate employment history

International Education Verification

Educational qualifications are a key component of a candidate’s profile. Our International Education Verification service authenticates degrees, diplomas, and certifications obtained from institutions around the world. We verify these qualifications directly with the issuing institutions to ensure their legitimacy. This service is essential for employers who need to confirm the educational credentials of their candidates accurately.

Key Features:

  • Direct verification with issuing institutions
  • Authentication of degrees, diplomas, and certifications
  • Prevention of educational fraud
  • Assurance of legitimate academic credentials

Business Credit Report

Understanding the financial health of potential business partners is crucial for making sound business decisions. Our Business Credit Report service provides detailed insights into the credit scores, financial stability, and payment histories of international businesses. This service helps you assess the financial risk associated with potential partners, suppliers, or clients, ensuring that you engage in transactions with financially stable entities.

Key Features:

  • Detailed business credit reports
  • Insights into financial stability and payment history
  • Assessment of financial risk
  • Informed business decision-making

International Professional License Verification

For positions requiring professional licenses, it is essential to confirm their validity. Our International Professional License Verification service checks the status, authenticity, and standing of professional licenses issued by regulatory bodies across various professions. This service ensures that your candidates hold valid and up-to-date licenses, maintaining the integrity and compliance of your operations.

Key Features:

  • Verification of professional licenses
  • Confirmation of license status and authenticity
  • Assurance of regulatory compliance
  • Maintenance of operational integrity

International Reference Verification

References provide valuable insights into a candidate’s work ethic, character, and suitability for a role. Our International Reference Verification service involves contacting personal and professional references provided by candidates. We gather detailed information about the candidate’s performance, behavior, and overall suitability, helping you make well-rounded hiring decisions.

Key Features:

  • Contact with personal and professional references
  • Detailed information on candidate performance and behavior
  • Insights into work ethic and character
  • Informed and comprehensive hiring decisions
safehiring employment background screening

Searches Standard & Turnaround

Safe Hiring researchers shall conduct the most comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date records searches by going directly to the court house and concerned authority where records available. Our researchers will search all records repositories necessary to identify all available records with respect to an ordered search within country-specific turnaround, responsiveness and perfect timeliness.

One of our major fast facts is to provide control TAT with group based strategic leadership to precede local and international verification’s and background screening checks with excellence and express TAT to deliver fact result worldwide

Maintain Reporting Quality

Safe  Hiring always maintain highest level of search and reporting quality to perform its searches and results in accordance with highest industry standards and must be fully equipped to be, and be fully operational. We implement internal quality control procedures to ensure proper and accurate reporting. Our researchers maintain employment screening program perfect.

Type of SearchType of InformationTurnaround Time
CIVIL SEARCHESRelates to non-criminal lawsuits by or against a person or a company. County Civil courts are either Upper or Lower courts, depending on the dollar amount of the action. Federal Civil actions relate to Federal Statutes and would include EEOC, EPA, Treasury or SEC Fraud, Civil Rights, etc.TURNAROUND TIME: 4-5 DAYS.
COUNTY CRIMINAL SEARCHReports felony and / or misdemeanor records in the county you are requesting. Multiple counties may be selected per applicant and counties may be selected by name, city name, or ZIP CodeTURNAROUND TIME: 4-5 DAYS.
FEDERAL CRIMINAL SEARCHReports the records of crimes committed against Federal criminal laws. This information will not be included in ANY state or county record.TURNAROUND TIME: 4-5 DAYS.
STATEWIDE CRIMINAL SEARCHAccesses the statewide criminal repository. Type of data and number of years varies by state. All information is reported to us by the state. (Not available in all states)TURNAROUND TIME AND COST VARY BY STATE
CREDIT REPORTProvide report from your choice of credit bureaus: Trans Union, Equifax (CBI) or TRW (Experian). A release is required (keep on file). Gives insight into the financial responsibility, past employers, past addresses, age, etc. Separate signed release necessary.TURNAROUND TIME: 4-5 DAYS.
PRIOR EMPLOYER VERIFICATIONDirect verification of claimed previous employment. Verification of dates of employment, position held, performance, reason for departure, rehire status and any general comments.TURNAROUND TIME: 4-5 DAYS.
CREDIT HEADER SEARCH PLUSSame as Credit Header, only all three bureaus searched.TURNAROUND TIME: 4-5 DAYS.
CREDIT HEADER SEARCHThis report comes from credit “header” information. Validates Social Security number, year and place of issue, past addresses, age or year of birth, corporate affiliations, UCC filings, neighbors, relatives, bankruptcies, liens, judgments, real property ownership and any pilot information.

BANKRUPTCY(Corporate search only). We search all available states.TURNAROUND TIME: 2-3 DAYS.

why chose us

A team of experienced professionals will manage your project from start to finish, allowing you more time to focus on your business.

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